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INI File | 2001-12-03 | 2.4 KB | 102 lines |
- skin_name = SimpleStuff
- skin_author = honz12
- skin_mail = honz12@hoverdesk.net
- skin_web = http://honz12@hoverdesk.net
- skin_info = Part of the SimpleStuff set of skins.
- ; Bitmaps used for windows background
- ;
- ; Main = your bitmap for the main window background
- ; MsgBkng = " " " the background of the message window
- [Background]
- Main= main.bmp
- MsgBkng = MSbkgrnd.bmp
- ; Bitmaps used for showing on the main window if EzPop is connected or not
- ;
- ; OnlineBMP = bitmap shown when EzPop is connected to POP server
- ; NotOnlineBMP = " " EzPop is disconnected from POP Server
- [Online]
- OnlineBMP = connected.bmp
- NotOnlineBMP = disconnected.bmp
- Position = 94,0
- ; Bitmaps used for button Connect
- ;
- ; CnxBtnNormal = bitmap normal when mouse is not over the button
- ; CnxBtnSelect = bitmap used when mouse is over the button
- ; Position = X,Y where X = Left value of the button in the main window
- ; Y = Top value of the button in the main window
- ;
- ; !!!!!!!! BEWARE !!!!!!!!
- ;
- ; All those buttons are transparent buttons !
- ; The transparent color used is the color of the Bottom Left pixel
- ;
- ; If you don't want your button to be transparent, thanks to add a vertical line
- ; to the left of your picture with the Great Pink color (255/0/255)
- [Connect]
- CnxBtnNormal= connect.bmp
- CnxBtnSelect= connect1.bmp
- Position = 6,65
- [Disconnect]
- DisBtnNormal = disconnect.bmp
- DisBtnSelect = disconnect1.bmp
- Position = 31,65
- [ReadMsg]
- ReadBtnNormal = checkmail.bmp
- ReadBtnSelect = checkmail1.bmp
- Position = 81,65
- [mailclient]
- RunMailNormal = writemail.bmp
- RunMailSelect = writemail1.bmp
- Position = 56,65
- [youhavemail]
- gotmail = gotmail.bmp
- nomail = nomail.bmp
- Position = 1,19
- [NbMsg]
- NbMsgBMP =numbers.bmp
- Size= 8,10
- Position = 4,44
- [Status]
- FontBMP=font.bmp
- Size= 5,6
- Position = 9,88
- MaxChar = 18
- [Memo_MsgWindow]
- Memo_X = 10
- Memo_Y = 30
- Memo_Width = 280
- Memo_Height = 169
- FontColor = 255,255,255
- FontName = Tahoma
- FontSize = 8
- PrevBtnNormal = PreviousOff.bmp
- PrevBtnSelect = PreviousOn.bmp
- PrevBtnPos = 298,20
- NextBtnNormal = Nextoff.bmp
- NextBtnSelect = Nexton.bmp
- NextBtnPos = 298,39
- ReplyBtnNormal = ReplyOff.bmp
- ReplyBtnSelect = ReplyOn.bmp
- ReplyBtnPos = 298,58
- DeleteBtnNormal = DeleteOff.bmp
- DeleteBtnSelect = DeleteOn.bmp
- DeleteBtnPos = 298,77
- CloseBtnNormal = exitoff.bmp
- CloseBtnSelect = exiton.bmp
- CloseBtnPos = 298,96